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How Will My Medical Bills Be Paid While My Claim Resolves? Roswell, GA

How Will My Medical Bills Be Paid While My Claim Resolves?

a wheel chair

How Will My Medical Bills Be Paid While My Claim Resolves? Following an injury or accident, you may find yourself involved in the insurance claims process. If you’re not familiar with this process, you may not know who pays your bills and when. If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence,… Continue Reading

What Is the Difference Between Separation and Divorce?

Married Couple Not Talking to Each Other

What Is the Difference Between Separation and Divorce? When couples reach the brink of their patience and can no longer maintain their marriage, they can end their relationship in one of two ways; they can either divorce or legally separate. Both divorce and legal separation are legally enforceable actions, however they have different purposes. Many… Continue Reading

Can I Be Compensated for the Emotional Effects of My Accident?

Thomas Rowsey Attorneys at Law logo

Can I Be Compensated for the Emotional Effects of My Accident? Being involved in a car accident can cost you dearly. Your car may suffer damage, you may have injuries, and the overall experience of the accident can weigh on you. The emotional effects of an auto accident should not be discounted. Injuries can often… Continue Reading

What Are Grounds for Divorce in Georgia?

Lawyer Posing in Front of Shelf of Law Books

What Are Grounds for Divorce in Georgia? Grounds for divorce vary from state to state. Grounds for divorce is the legal justification for seeking a dissolution of marriage. Some states are no-fault divorce states, meaning anyone who wants to dissolve their marriage can, as long as they declare that the marriage is irretrievably broken, or… Continue Reading

What Can I Be Compensated for After an Accident?

a collision of two cars

What Can I Be Compensated for After an Accident? If you’ve been injured in an auto accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be wondering what you are entitled to as an injured person. If you are not found partially at fault for the accident, you are entitled to be compensated for… Continue Reading

What Is a Drug First Offender Plea?

judge's gavel

What Is a Drug First Offender Plea? First time drug offenders in Georgia have the opportunity to avoid a conviction on their record by participating in, and adhering to, a drug first offender plea program. Under the First Offender Act, certain first-time offenders may plead guilty to their crime with deferred adjudication, meaning the plea… Continue Reading

What Should Be Included in an Effective Parenting Plan?

Lawyer Posing in Front of Shelf of Law Books

What Should Be Included in an Effective Parenting Plan? A parenting plan must be established whenever a determination of custody is made, such as in a divorce or separation. Parenting plans must be agreed upon by both parents and filed with the court. A judge must approve the plan to make it a legally enforceable… Continue Reading

Can I File a Lawsuit if I’m Partially at Fault?

two cars in a traffic accident

Can I File a Lawsuit if I’m Partially at Fault? To file a personal injury lawsuit against another party, you must demonstrate that you were injured or suffered some loss as a result of their negligence, strict liability, or intentional behavior. Most personal injury cases will stem from the principal of negligence. The negligent party… Continue Reading

How Is Georgia Child Support Calculated?

Lawyer Posing in Front of Shelf of Law Books

How Is Georgia Child Support Calculated? In Georgia, custodial parents may request child support from the non-custodial parent to help provide for their child financially. Parents seeking child support may request an order for child support either through child support services or in court. During the process of requesting a support order they will provide… Continue Reading

What Constitutes Negligence?

a collision of two cars

What Constitutes Negligence? In most personal injury claims, negligence must be proven in order for damages, or monetary compensation for your losses, to be awarded. Negligence is the failure to act with the same level of care another reasonable person would have in like circumstances. Someone could be negligent for an act or for a… Continue Reading

Our Client Reviews

Rowsey & Stelter, Attorneys at Law

4.4 / 5.0

Based on 7 reviews

Chris Smith

Tom did an excellent job setting up my LLC for my new business recently. I was in a situation where I needed the LLC formed quickly and Tom and his team were able to work on a very short deadline. Highly recommended!

GAAW Wright

Tom has been our attorney for many years. He has been with us through thick and thin. He has successfully handled all our queries and cases with patience and understanding. We highly recommend Tom!

Corey Rennolds

At all times for the duration of my case, Tom demonstrated professionalism, confidence, and honesty. At no point was I pressured to make any one decision over another, but Tom did his best to inform me about the consequences and benefits of all of my options. If he did not know some specific detail regarding my case, he made the effort to find out. Tom instantly exudes trustworthiness and was always in steady contact. I would recommend his services to anyone.

Justina Allen

I met Tom over 10 years ago after settling in Roswell with my family. I have learned over the years that Tom is a man of high integrity, genuine and extremely knowledgeable in his field. Along with being honest, he is a straight shooter and will let you know where you stand. He will provide you with personal attention you don’t get at bigger firms and will go the extra mile. As legal matters can be frightening to deal with, Tom will guide you through the process and get you the results you need.

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Rowsey & Stelter, Attorneys at Law

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295 W Crossville Road,
Building 100, Suite 110,
Roswell, GA 30075

(770) 993-5317

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed